The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


Triumph TALKS with Melanie Hansen Davis - We Discuss Loss & Grief

Lisa Zarcone continues to share her wisdom after a childhood of sexual abuse and trauma. In this video, she expounds on the role of grief and loss in her family and how it was the trigger for all of the dysfunction to come. She provides advice to aid anyone who has been through or is going through a loss and shares how essential it is to allow children to participate in the grief process in order to heal. Lisa's lessons end on a positive note as her example and wisdom show that TRIUMPH from childhood losses and abuse IS POSSIBLE! #childhoodtrauma #griefrecovery #childabuseawareness

Click on the Link below and watch the full interivew

Embrace the Journey,

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Author - Child & Mental Health Advocate - Public Speaker - Blogger - Social Media Influencer

MA National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)

Triumph TALKS