The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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Mental Health Matters – Our Youth Need Support & It Is Time WE Rise To The Occasion

Our youth have been struggling for years, prior to the pandemic.    Far too many kids, growing up in dysfunctional and unsafe environments.   The fact of the matter is, neglect, abuse and a huge lack of care still plagues our nation.

How are our children supposed to rise to the occasion, if we do not show them the way?

Since the pandemic the numbers of abuse, suicide and neglect have risen towards astronomical heights.   We have to stop the madness!

How can we expect our students to perform and succeed educationally, if they are not mentally and emotionally sound?     We are setting our kids up for failure, by not giving them a strong, solid foundation to build upon.

Back in the day - I was that Kid!  The one who fell so deeply through the cracks trying to find my way through the darkness.   I never knew what was coming next, and how I would survive the day, let alone figure out what I would do with my life.

I cannot say it enough “Mental Health Matters”, and when it comes to our youth this statement is our golden ticket to a mentally healthy future.

If a child is physically sick, we tell them they must stay home, and not bring their germs to school.     So, think about this - When a child is feeling “unstable” – “depressed” – “anxiety filled” – “Suicidal” etc., Why would we send them to class knowing that they are not capable of performing and engaging in their work?

If someone is feeling mentally unwell, they may need a “mental health break” or a “brain break” as I call it.

Sometimes, we all just need a day!!!  Sometimes we need major support!!!

This important conversation needs to continue, and as a nation we must step up and help our next generation become successful adults.     If we do not do the work now, our next generation will be one big broken mess.

At this time, there are so many broken adults going through the motions of life just to get by; because they never gained a voice as to what they were going through or feeling.    Their past has never been validated or acknowledged.  Because of this huge break in society everything negative has gone on the rise.  We much break the cycle, and that starts with our youth and a strong mental health system to support them along the way.

I truly believe we can get there, but we have a lot of work to do!   Who is willing to step up for our youth??

Are you willing to walk with me?

Let’s keep this important conversation going.

Embrace The Journey,

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Child & Mental Health Advocate – Public Speaker – Blogger

Author – The Unspoken Truth A Memoir


Hailey Hardcastle - Fighting for Laws to help our youth


Mental health days are a response to the mental health crisis in children and teens, and experts say the benefits are worth the risks. 

Historically most schools haven’t recognized mental health as a legitimate reason to miss classes. But this position is slowly changing as more and more children are struggling with psychological issues that are impacting their ability to show up to school as their best selves in the same way as physical illness would. 

One by one states are allowing students to take time for themselves on days when the weight of the world becomes a little too much to carry. 

Below, we’ve outlined the current legislative stance on mental health days in all fifty states. This review excludes the discussion of private schools, which may have policies independent of state law. But for the most part, it should give you a sense of the progress we’ve made and how far we have to go in the fight to improve the mental health of America’s children.


Dr. Christine Crawford – On Mental Health Days for Our Youth

Crawford said said parents should consider allowing children to take days off if they say they feel overwhelmed, even if they do not have a diagnosis from a doctor. Everyone has bad days, and tending to one’s mental wellbeing is important.

“If you are mentally unwell that’s going to make you physically unwell and unable to fully engage in the entire school day,” Crawford said. “If you are always operating at a sub-optimal level, you don’t have a chance to re-charge your battery so that you can be fully present and engaged in the classroom.”




If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. You can also call the network at 800-273-8255, text HOME to 741741 or visit for additional resources.   


Excellent Article about high school student Hailey Hardcastle and her fight to help students get the mental health breaks that they need.  BRAVO!!!!   Hailey has successfully achieved her goals!