The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


Child Safety And Mental Health Go Hand In Hand – We Are Dealing With A Broken System

Every single day in the news, more stories are appearing that are connected with child abuse, violence among peers and death.  The numbers are staggering, and the system is completely broken.

Our youth need so much right now, and mental health support is one of them.  There are far too many broken homes filled with abuse and dysfunction.  Sad to say, it is becoming the “NORM”.

What are we going to do about it?  How can we fix this mess?  

We need to push harder than ever for more laws to protect our children, and more programing in our schools to work on supporting our youth to become “mentally healthy”.

Here is a story out of Medford Massachusetts:

High school – Two sisters attack a 15-year-old girl after taunting and stalking her for weeks. The parent made the school aware of the bullying, and they stood by and did nothing. They stated to the parent that the girls have been through trauma, and they were on a healing journey.  WHAT – STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!

What type of response is that??? One of non-commitment to do something!

Now let’s look at the bigger picture to all of this. If these two young girls have been through trauma and they are unstable; why are they not getting the help they so rightfully deserve?  (Broken system)

Instead of getting the proper help and support, they are left dangling until the anger and internal rage prove to be too much. It is then unleashed like an explosion, onto an innocent victim. The focus was shifted in a new direction because there was lack of help and support.

We see this time and time again. We hear it in the news every single day! 

Misplaced Rage!

My heart breaks for the young girl who was viciously beaten to the point of being put in the hospital and possibility suffering brain damage.

My heart breaks for two sisters lost in the system just dangling in the breeze.  

On this day three young lives were changed forever, and the ripple effect is massive.

What do we do now?    We open our mouths – We raise our voices – We fight for change!    WE must do the work, if the next generation will have a chance to be strong and have a positive fulfilling life.

Here is another example of a child lost in the system, a beautiful five-year-old girl, whose life was filled with child abuse, misery and lack of caring for her well-being.

Another story out of Massachusetts & New Hampshire

Harmony Montgomery

This poor baby was beaten to death by her own father, and he hid her body.   Family, friends and even his own wife watched him repeatedly beat her and torture her for years and they all sat in silence.   They allowed it to happen.   

She was lost in the system.   Unfortunately, her mother struggled with substance abuse, and she was in foster care. Then her father was awarded custody even though he had a record, a past of abuse!!

She was handed over to the devil, and lived a horrific existence until her untimely death at the age of 5.

How disgusting is that, this beautiful little girl never had a chance, and everyone sat in silence. Her family members stated that they witness her father punch her repeatedly with a closed fist in her head and face. The abuse was extensive, bruises were apparent, but nobody spoke up until is was too late. She was not even reported missing until almost two years later, by a family member.

Was her life that “Un-important” that nobody cared to notice, not even the foster care system stemming into two states!!!!     

UPDATE: Harmony’s father was officially charged with her murder, and awaits trial. Her body has not been found, but the stories

about what she went through are horrific. AGAIN - NO CHILD should ever have to endure such abuse. This is heartbreaking to think about

what she had to go through every day of her life until her horrendous death.

Harmony Montgomery’s Father Charged With Murdering Her – NBC Boston

This is the reality of what is happening, and we must break the cycle NOW.


Things will never change if we all remain silent, that is the powerful message here today.

I will always go with the age old saying - See something – Say something

You will be saving a life!

As we move forward, please remember the children.  They are OUR future!

Let’s give them a strong foundation to build upon, and that starts in childhood.

Child Safety – Mental Health Programming - School Focused Programming for Support

We can make this happen.  It is all about mindset, and where we put our energy. Shifting gears and changing our focus. Let’s be more mindful and aware of our surroundings and where the government money is actually going.

Since the pandemic, there have been billions of dollars allotted for these very programs for our youth. Look out in your community and see if they are following through.

We need to be a voice for the voiceless.  It must start today.

Food for thought. Embrace the Journey

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Child & Mental Health Advocate – Author – Public Speaker – Blogger – Social Media Influencer

Massachusetts National Ambassador for Naasca

(National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)


I am a voice for the voiceless -  Please hear ME