The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


The Kindness & Happiness Connection with Randy McNeely & Elia Gourgouris, Ph.D - I am a Voice --I share my story - Life after abuse- Healing & Faith

I share my story of abuse “The Unspoken Truth” and my journey towards healing. We talk a lot about how faith connects to “inner strength” and coming out of the dark! Very powerful and inspiring interview.

💥 SATURDAY JUNE 20, 2020 - 1:00 PM CST💥

Do you like a story of heroic survival, of triumph in the face of tremendous challenge? If so, you won't want to miss this week's episode of The Kindness & Happiness Connection with myself (Randy McNeely - The Kindness Giver and Elia Gourgouris Ph.D. - The Happiness Doctor and the inspiring Lisa Zarcone!

💥 WARNING - HEAVY SUBJECT - THAT NEEDS TO BE HEARD! - The Power of Kindness to Help Child Abuse Survivors.

Lisa is an author of the Unspoken Truth, the story of her survival of child abuse. She serves as ambassador for the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE (NAASCA) and courageously shares her story with the desire to help other survivors thrive, despite the challenges they've faced.

Take a listen as Lisa's loving approach an cheerful personality bring in a breath of fresh air and light to a very dark subject.

Take a listen. You'll be glad you did.

copy and paste the link below

Embrace the Journey

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

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