The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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National Gratitude Month -- NOVEMBER 2020

Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.”  Gratitude’s amazing powers have the ability to shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives. Practicing daily gratitude gives us a deeper connection to ourselves, and the world around us.   Everything in our lives has the ability to improve when we are grateful. Research has shown that gratitude can enhance our moods, decrease stress and drastically improve our overall level of health and well-being. On average, grateful people tend to have fewer stress related illnesses and experience less depression and lowered blood pressure, they are more physically fit, they are happier.

Our brains are wired to promote positive responses when we practice gratitude, resulting in better relationships, sleep, health, mood, resilience, happiness, and satisfaction at work and school. With consistent thankfulness, we decrease stress, anxiety, depression and are faster at recovering from trauma.

2020 - Has been a year of great stress for all of us! The Pandemic, BLM Movement, Violence in the Streets, The Election, Police Brutality, Countless Lives Lost

There have been so many injustices in this world, and people are seeking change. Well the good news is, that change is positive, but it is how we get there that matters. History proves time and time again that violence never gets a positive result. Hate does not make things better. Actually, hate festers and promotes more negativity. As we must rise as a nation, we must rise with wisdom, not impulsive actions. Everybody is talking, but nobody is listening! It is time for a change! The changes comes with working towards your mindset. A positive mindset is the way to go. When you set your goals and work daily towards changing your way of thinking, many incredible things can happen.

If everyone practiced daily gratitude, we could change ourselves and the planet for the better.  Everyone would be much happier.  Love would grow and hate would decrease.  And the world would know true peace.

This is the definition of “Gratitude Month”

As I am reading this many thoughts come to mind…

Imagine feeling lighter and free.  Think about the world being a better place to live in as more people could focus on love instead of hate!   Wow…    It is like a Utopia!!!    Could it really be that simple?

For years people have been at war with one another for a variety of issues.   They can stem from family dysfunctions to global issues as the war rages on and families and countries are continually divided.   The political realm is littered with abstrusity that is so obscure; how are we supposed to understand the real drive behind the madness?

Why can’t we just get along and be GRATEFUL for all the goodness life has to offer?

It is not as easy as the above definition makes it all sound, right?

I do believe that we can become a kinder and gentler nation with an extreme amount of work, and it has to begin from within oneself.     We can achieve happiness with a positive mindset.   As we work towards those goals for ourselves, we must think about the bigger picture.  How are we going to “pitch” this way of thinking to others and get them to jump on the band wagon.    


By practicing gratitude every day, it becomes second nature over time.   If we continue to show others that good people still exist, then maybe people might give it a try.  

Then we can take it a step further and start to teach our youth, the next generation, how to be kind from a very young age.   

If enough people in our communities keep on pushing and branching out, more acceptance, kindness, mutual respect and gratitude for our lives, as well as other peoples lives, can be achieved.

Imagine teaching our youth about daily gratitude practices?   This starts out in the homes and should branch out into the schools, as well as, communities.  Being good role models!

Will life on earth ever be perfect – NO because nothing is perfect, but why not enrich our souls with more goodness than negativity?

We are exposed to so much daily violence, negative behaviors and impulsive physical/verbal acts that our minds are continually on overload.    It makes you think about - How can we practice being kind when so many people are dumping garbage in our laps daily?

I feel we can do that, but rising about the influence.  Refuse to play the game!   

By refusing to jump into the pool of negativity, you are actually breaking the cycle.   One by one we can shut down these systems of self-destruction by not engaging.  

So, to sum it all up -- As you step forward in your daily life, try to be more open to random acts of kindness.   Take a moment out of your busy day to look someone in the eye and smile (put that phone down for a few minutes you will survive I promise).   If you see someone struggling offer help, or a kind word.

One of my favorite things to do is to randomly give someone a compliment, you would be surprised how it could make someone’s day!    Also offer hugs!!  I have spoken to many elderly people who feel so forgotten and talk about not having human contact with people beside being seen by a doctor.  That is truly a sad thought to never have a kind touch of the hand or a gentle hug, letting someone know that you care.

We can create a better world one positive thought or action at a time.

It all starts out with being grateful for the beautiful thing’s life has to offer us!

Life may not always be easy and sometimes it may seem impossible, but there is always a bright side to everything, some days you just have to search a bit deeper.

Let’s celebrate Gratitude month by saying to ourselves -- Kindness Matters!!! #decidetobekind #kindnessiscool

Embrace The Journey,

God Bless,

Lisa Zarcone

Author/Public Speaker/Child & Mental Health Advocate/Blogger/Inspirationalist

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
Princess Diana


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that - Martin Luther King Jr.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - Martin Luther King Jr.

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude - Maya Angelou

If you judge people, you have no time to love them - Mother Teresa