The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

I will keep everyone up to date with my day to day, poetry and upcoming news here. 

Feel free to leave me comments and feedback, I love hearing from all of you


Out With The Old - In With The New - Intentions for 2024

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the holiday season, and made the best of all situations. As we all know, the holidays can be quite difficult and stressful, but it is how we embrace it that is most important.

Every year after Christmas I always do a reflection, evaluation and a celebration for all that I accomplished in the past year.

2023 has brought me a year of many ups and downs, with some medical issues to add into the mix. There have been some great successes in 2023, many valuable lessons learned and some epic failures. As I weed through all of these events, I take away something from each and every moment. I have learned alot this year, and lost some people (whom I thought were my friends). I learned to let go what does not serve me in a positive light.

Now as I have slowly let go of the old, I look forward to embracing the new! I always choose a word or phrase to take me into the new year. Last year was “Eye on the Prize”, and this year I am going for

“Winning” — YES winning in all situations. I am putting my mindset to find the best scenarios and outcomes to all that will come my way in 2024. I have big goals, hopes and dreams, and my plan is to fulfill all of them one by one. Hard work and determination will lead the way.

I encourage each and every one of you to do the same. Take some time to reflect, evaluate and let it go. Make a game plan for 2024, and push towards those goals! You can do it, and you should want to, because you will be enriching your life in so many positive ways.

Take time to do the work, and you will wreak the benefits.

LET IT GO - Step into 2024 with a fresh perspective.

Enjoy the last few days of 2023, and I hope and pray everyone has a healthy and happy New Year.

Claim 2024 as your year to shine brighter than ever.

Embrace the Journey,

God Bless,

Lisa Zarcone

Woman of Impact 2023

Author - Child & Mental Health Advocate

Social Media Influencer - Public Speaker - Blogger

Massachusetts National Ambassador for NAASCA

National Assoc. of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Lisa Zarcone