The Book of Joann


Lets Embrace our Journey's together 

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Becoming Mentally Healthy & Maintaining It - Goals for 2024

What do we mean when we say becoming, “Mentally Healthy”?

According to the Mental Health Association it means –

Mental Health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well.  Also, being able to offer positive contributions to their surrounding communities.

Well, that is a powerful statement isn’t it!

So, how do we get there, and more importantly, how do we stay there.

Do you think life always has a perfect balance?  That answer is a firm NO!   Life is not always balanced, and we are faced with many situations, stresses and unknowns all the time.

Now, let’s go back to the original question.  How do we maintain our mental health?

OK, so we know life gives us twists and turns all the time, and to be able to maneuver through each obstacle may prove challenging, but if we can work on remaining being grounded, we will make it.

The first steps to become mentally strong is to look at our strengths and weaknesses.  YES, I said it out loud “weakness”, because we all have them.   Listen, nobody likes to look at their weakness’s (myself included), but it is a must to find true balance.

Once you can establish what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can move forward putting a game plan together.  

Think about what your struggles are during a stressful situation, and look to find solutions that you can connect with.  It is there that you can find your grounding.

You may want to take a walk for a few moments, or sit quietly to bring yourself back down to a calming level.   We all have different things that help us, so tap into your tool box for support.

It is so important to learn about yourself.  The more that you understand and know, will help give you the fuel that you need to get you where you need to be.     You need to know what your triggers are, and how you react to them.  Sometimes these unknown thoughts and feelings can put you over the edge.    Again, if you take the time to do the self-work, your tool box will become filled with many options to choose from in times of need.

I know for myself; I love change of scenery.   When I start to feel like I am riding that emotional roller-coaster, I tell myself it is time to get off the “crazy train”.  I do actually talk to myself.  I believe it is very healthy to be our own “Cheerleaders”!

As soon as I can break away from what I am doing, I go for a walk.  I get outside in the fresh air and take in my surroundings.   I am a very visual person, so I like to look around to see the sights, and be in the moment.    When I do this, I am shifting gears inside my mind giving myself a brain break.   This is so important for all of us to do.  We all need that break!

There are many ways to switch gears, you just have to find out what works best for you.  Here are some examples:



Listening to Music


Meditating/Sitting in Silence

Reaching out to a family member or friend for a brief conversation

Take a quick ride in the car and blast your favorite music


These are just a few to mention, but there are many more.  Again, YOU have to figure out what works for you.

Also, becoming mentally healthy may mean change in habits.   You may want to add more water consumption throughout the day.  It can make you feel cleansed and lighter.

Working on a healthier lifestyle with food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. can be another way to find yourself feeling more balanced.

I believe what is hard for many, many people out there is to turn it all off, and find time to rest and sleep.   Let’s face it we are a highly connected generation to social media, news, drama and work.  Our minds are on over drive 24/7.   To shut it all out for a bit, feels very foreign and abnormal.   Think about disconnecting for a little while as one of your tools for self-care.

I know for myself included, I have a very hard time putting the phone down and saying to myself, “let it go until tomorrow”.  This is something I am personally working on as a goal for 2024.  

I cannot stress enough that our BRAINS need a rest from everything.

Allow yourself the gift of calm and quiet time.    Read a book, watch a favorite show, or just listen to some soothing music.  It is amazing how relaxed you can feel.

The other night my husband and I did just that.  We sat in the living room, no tv, just listening to music and it was wonderful.   At one point I felt like I was sinking into the chair, actually feeling my body destress.  It was amazing.   When I went to bed that night, I felt calm and relaxed! I had a wonderful night sleep.

It is those gifts that we need to be offering to ourselves as often as possible.   We must work on self-care, and do the work to make it happen. 

Also, work on having a positive mindset.  Taking your negatives and turn them into positives.  This is a practiced skill, but one that is quite effective as you move forward in your days ahead.  Again, every day is not going to be a great day, but if you approach your situations is a positive fashion, you would be amazed on how you can overcome many stressful experiences.

Let’s make 2024 the year of big changes.    It all starts out with a game plan and a strong mindset to make it happen.   Make 2024 your year to become mentally healthy and strong.   If you can make that commitment to yourself, life will become lighter and you will crave that time, “just for you”.  

I say - -   Just Do it!!

Food for thought.

Embrace the Journey,

God Bless

Lisa Zarcone

Woman of Impact 2023 - I am a voice

Social Media Influencer – Author – Public Speaker

Child & Mental Health Advocate – Blogger

MA National Ambassador for Naasca (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse)

My motto for this year is “Eye on the Prize” -- Focus on your goals, and achieve them one at a time - Include yourself in that journey!

“Optimism inspires, energizes, and brings out our best. It points the mind toward possibilities and helps us think creatively past problems.” – Price Pritchett 

Lisa Zarcone